+1 905-671-3155

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The Company That You Can Rely upon!

Optimum Workforce Solutions is a recognized staffing company based in Ontario, Canada.We specialize in permanent and temporary staffing for the following industries:

    Food & Bakery
    Warehousing & Distribution

With Offices across Ontario, We concentrate on Placing Quality Workers for the following positions:

General Labor

Pickers / Packers

Machine Operators

Shippers / Receivers

Quality Control






Food Processors

Food Processors

Truck Drivers

Press Operators

Fork Lift Operators



Maintenance Mechanics

Line Workers

Customer Service

Administrative / Clerical

Dock Workers

Machine Operators

TalentQuality is value we live everyday.

There’s a certain amount of hope and trust involved everytime you bring a new hire on Board .You Hope you ‘ve hired the right Candidate, and trust that you’ve chosen an individual who will be up to the demand of the job .Sometimes things work out great . But sometiomes they don’t and companies Pay-Big time .
How can you protect yourself > trust optimum workforce solutions to find candidates who will be valued members of your workforce-for years to come.

Manage the entire recruitment process via single platform.

Improve recruitment efficiency by more than 100%.

Enable faster hiring.

Reduce the cost of hiring by more than 50%.

Enhance outreach to active and passive job seekers.

Enable multi-level candidate assessment process.


Having the flexibility to only hire temporary labour when needed, either for specific jobs or projects that come in, or for additional production when times are busy, is a huge advantage for any business.

Staffing flexibility can also keep work-place morale higher by allowing full-time employees to schedule shifts that balance their work and home lives better.

When needed, temporary labour can cover afternoon and night shifts and/or shifts during school holidays, allowing full-time employees to spend time with their families or take vacation time.

OPtimum Workforce Solutions allows you the flexibility to ramp up production quickly when times get busy and lower staff easily and efficiently during slower periods.